How do I use the dropdowns in Wordsmith?

In Blue Canoe’s Wordsmith feature, the dropdowns allow you to customize your sentence before practicing pronunciation. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Dialect Dropdown: The first dropdown lets you choose the dialect of English for your sentence. You can select from American, British, Canadian, Australian, or New Zealand English. This helps you tailor the sentence to match the style and pronunciation of different English-speaking regions.
  2. Tone Dropdown: The second dropdown allows you to adjust the tone of your sentence. You can choose between Professional, Casual, Sarcastic, or leave it as No change. This feature is helpful if you want your sentence to sound more formal or conversational.
  3. Spelling and Grammar Check Dropdown: The third dropdown offers an option to Check for spelling and grammar or leave it as No change. If selected, Wordsmith will review your sentence for any mistakes before you submit it for pronunciation practice.

These dropdowns help personalize your sentence, ensuring you practice English in a way that suits your needs. After making your selections, simply click Submit to move on to pronunciation practice with the Color Vowel system.