6 Tips for English Pronunciation Learners

As a NCAA Division I athlete, I know what it takes to improve yourself every day. Getting better at the sport I love turned into a full-time job, however, it was not easy. The daily struggles of practice, a full class schedule, traveling and mandatory study hall was overwhelming. This was one of my toughest years, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I learned when you are truly dedicated to something every day, you will experience a lot of growth. As we know, learning a new language is not easy nor fast, but commitment and consistency drive success. Check out our 6 tips to help you improve your English pronunciation.
- Do it for you
To really stay on track with learning and practicing a new language it is important to be motivated. The most important driver in attaining success in anything is you. You will feel fulfilled and happy if you accomplish something just for you.
- Identify a regular 10-minute block of time
Make it a habit! I know, you want to do it. You really, really want to do it. Fact: if you do something regularly it will turn into a habit. Pick a regular time each day and set your timer on your phone for 10 minutes to practice. As Aristotle says, “We are what we repeatedly do.”
- Listen and Determine the Anchor Phrase
This is very easy to incorporate into your life; you can just keep living and keep doing what you usually do. During your normal day listen to people at work, in your neighborhood and friends and listen to how they pronounce words. Choose a word to focus on, figure out its anchor phrase (color and object such as RED PEPPER), repeat the word in your head and try to say it out loud; your brain will be activated and you will be more aware of vocabulary and sounds. You will find yourself automatically doing it and thinking in color.
- Make mistakes
Take a deep breath and relax! Our entire life we are taught how to do things right. However, the golden rule of language learning is being okay with making mistakes. When we know languages, we know all different sounds and structures. In our languages database, we collect a whole bunch of sounds and structures that we know, but there are so many more. Learning a new language means being comfortable with the uncomfortable. In your mind, it will sound like a mistake, but that means you are exploring and allowing yourself to grow.
- Chat buddy
Find someone who is proficient in the English language and who can talk to you about a wide range of topics. More importantly, find someone who is willing to help you and correct you where needed. Chatting with someone provides a meaningful and comfortable environment in which to practice. It is much more fun and motivating to practice with a friend than to study by yourself. Plus, using words in context, in a real conversation, helps you to remember the meaning of the vocabulary. You will have a chance to use the words you have practiced in the Blue Canoe app in a real situation.
- Learn and have fun
Once you put in the time and effort, you will improve. Guess what?? Everything becomes more fun once you are good at it. The more fun you have the more you will improve. The more you improve the more fun it will be.