Build your Global Team’s confidence in English – Good communication is good business.

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Benefits for Global Businesses

Blue Canoe can help your team speak more clearly and effectively with customers and colleagues.

  • International Teams: “English is a critical skill in for international companies.  Blue Canoe helps team members express themselves more confidently and clearly with their teams and customers.  Blue Canoe helps build a more inclusive team through improved understanding and communication.” It is important to invest in English education in business.
  • BPO/CX: “Blue Canoe offers a low-cost solution at scale to gain a qualitative leap in customer experience with content developed in partnership with a major BPO provider.  Agents see significant improvement in clarity and fluency in 90 days with lessons of only 10 minutes a day.”
  • Hospitality and Air Crews: “Build employee confidence and improve customer satisfaction.”
  • Employee Benefit: “Help your employees meet their personal and professional goals of improving their English.  Increase productivity and company loyalty.”
A woman who works in customer service is speaking English with a client. She has improved her ability to understand spoken English.

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With only so many hours in the classroom, most English learners simply don’t get enough high-quality speaking practice.

Built around the revolutionary Color Vowel® system, Blue Canoe provides learners with easy access to daily pronunciation practice with intelligent feedback.

Employee engagement can be tracked through an educator’s dashboard that displays students’ daily, weekly and all-time practice.

A customer advocating for Blue Canoe as the best avenue for implementing English education in business.

“I love Blue Canoe and the Color Vowel System! I can suddenly say sounds that don’t exist in my native language. I now understand where to position my jaw and tongue to make the correct sounds. That is an amazing experience.”

– Sangwon Ahn, Chief Financial Officer
SAP Japan

    —Please choose an option—
    • —Please choose an option—
    • 20-49 Licenses
    • 50-99 Licenses
    • 100+ Licenses

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    • —Please choose an option—
    • Purchase Order
    • Credit Card
    • Other (Wire Transfer, ACH, etc.)

    Blue Canoe has a 4.7 star rating because it helps learners improve their English skills.

    4.7 star rating

    ESL teachers give Blue Canoe a 4.7 star rating

    Teacher quotes

    Blue Canoe is the perfect solution for English education in business.

    Users recommend Blue Canoe as an effective means to improve spoken English.

    100% recommend

    100% of ESL teachers recommend Blue Canoe to their students and other ESL teachers

    Cool Tool Award
    Tech Impact Award
    Leadership Award


    Blue Canoe user speaking positively about how the app improves English pronunciation for ESL learners.

    I’m delighted that we have offered Blue Canoe to our non-native English speaking employees. They are learning, improving their spoken English, and increasing their confidence, and all of this is very valuable to our company.

    Olga Zguskaya
    Head of HR, SAP Japan