Blue Canoe CEO is a Leading Voice in EdTech 2020 Report
EdTech Digest has released their 2020-2021 State of EdTech annual report, featuring Sarah Daniels, CEO of Blue Canoe, as one of their Leading Voices.
“Huge changes are coming in how teachers leverage technology for teaching. Yes, technology is well entrenched in education infrastructure, and in the delivery of video or distance learning. We are also inundated with B2C programs, from practice with math facts to memorizing vocabulary. These are significant and valuable contributions to education, but we haven’t yet seen widespread use of a tightly integrated blended learning approach, where we combine the best aspects of live, human teaching with the power of adaptive edtech programs.
I’ve been lucky in my career to be involved with two game changers that do just that: DreamBox Learning, which helps K-8 math learning, and Blue Canoe Learning, which helps non-native English speakers learn clear spoken English. I expect to see many more.”
—Sarah Daniels // CEO, Blue Canoe